Saturday 21 June 2008

jobs and stupidity

i was told yesterday that i definitely have a job in Sept yippee!! as i have been there 2 years i should get a permanent contract. how fantastic. G and i went shopping this morning for piggtails birthday pressie, a bike it is her first real bike and G is planning on teaching her how to ride this summer. she will be 10 on Monday due to her genetic condition she has v poor muscle tone so she has not been able to ride so far. we are hope full she will manage this year.
this evening i was preparing tea when i did something so stupid. i used a hand blender and the metal blade moved so without thinking i pushed it back i now have 4 slices into my thumb, including a deep cut through my nail. very very stupid!! very very sore, i am going to be soo embarrassed at work on mon.

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