Tuesday 9 December 2008

my amazing children

wow i am soo proud of both my kids right now. piggtails and pigglet jr. have been trying really hard at judo this last couple of months and last night they both attended a grading, piggtails went for her 2nd mons she got so stressed by it she gave herself a headache, we told her not to do the grading but she had to help they others as you have to have a cooperative partner. we then spoke to her coach who told her that they could just run through it all with her. of course she was really doing the test and she passed yipee she was so surprised at the end of the evening cos she thought she would do it on wed and J her coach announced all the names of who had passed and included her name. i wish i had a camera cos her face was a picture. and jigglet jr was doing his 9th to 10th mon teat which is really hard as he has to know everything from all previous grades as well as a whole load more including arm locks!! and he passed he is now a green belt how fab dh and i could not have been prouder.

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